Calling All Women who want to Support WS41@100!
You may be wondering “What is WS41@100?”
Well, a small group of women in College Station, Texas, are asking women to join a cluster called “Women Supporting 41@100.” June 12, 2024, is GHW Bush’s 100th birthday.
A little background: The George & Barbara Bush Foundation has been working since 2019 on an historic $50 Million Capital Campaign that will support each component of the George H.W. Bush Presidential Center, including the George & Barbara Bush Foundation, the Bush Library & Museum, and the Bush School of Government & Public Service. Why? Well, The Foundation wants to share the legacy of President and Mrs. Bush with future generations.
We believe that 41’s leadership model is needed in our world and should be recognized as the gold standard for people preparing to enter public service.
Simply put: The Foundation supports the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum and The Bush School of Government & Public Service. The Library records what President Bush accomplished; the School educates future leaders. The Bush School sends more graduates into public service than any other University. The Foundation provides scholarships.
While preparing for this Celebration, former Bush Alumni have reconnected. They have recalled how President Bush’s team made significant advances both domestically and internationally. Former Campaign Workers, Volunteers, Staff Members, Cabinet Members, Family, and Friends are gathering. But one group that seemed underrepresented were the women who always served whenever needed. We wanted to celebrate their support. So, we began forming an “Evergreen List” of women who believe “Character Matters”. (See Jean Becker’s book.) We were delighted to discover that many women were eager to join us. So, we have labeled our group Women Supporting 41@100 (WS41@100).
It is not too late to join. We already have over 41 names. Our goal is to reach 1,000. We will explore ways that we can work together to share what we have learned from President and Mrs. Bush’s selfless service.
· But honestly, you can join this list without donating. Everyone is invited. We have no hierarchy. If you have already donated, just let us know if we can add your name. If you know of any women who might want to join us—send us their contact information or forward this email.
Thank you. If you have any questions, or if you want to add your name, please email Kathleene Card at
If you do wish to donate, use this link at the George & Barbara Bush Foundation:
In the “comments” box under “Additional Information” enter the code “WS41@100”. That way, the Foundation will know that your donation is part of the WS41@100 campaign. On the next web page, you will be asked to enter your full mailing information and then you will be asked to pay for your contribution. Thank-you for considering Women Supporting 41@100!