A 40-Day Walk with God
An online companion to the book by Rev. Kathleene Card and Dr. Dianne Martin
Week 4: Mary Endures Seeing Her Son Unjustly Accused
When Jesus sees His mother, His pain is multiplied as he sees that His pain is causing untold anguish. He is disfigured with blood and sweat, with dust and spittle. It is hard to imagine the grief felt by Mary as she witnessed these terrible events.
As we pray the prayers this week, let us consider what we might learn from the mother of Jesus and how she responded.
Day 17, Monday: Love Fervently
Day 18, Tuesday: Wait Patiently
Day 19, Wednesday: Resist Evil
Day 20, Thursday: Trust Fully
Day 21, Friday: Abide in Faith
Day 22, Saturday: Face Troubling Times
4th Sunday in Lent
Focus Verse: Day 18 – Wait on the Lord (Adapted from Psalm 27:1, Psalm 33, 20-22)
My soul waits for You, Lord. From You I gather strength and trust. Yes, I wait for You, Lord. You are my help and my shield. My heart rejoices in You because I trust Your holy name. I ask for Your loving kindness to be upon me, Lord, as I have waited for You. Amen
Sometimes the most difficult action is to wait. It means that we have to trust in God, to continually look to him for help and to be in a state of expectation that He will act on our behalf. It is particularly hard to wait when we witness terrible things happening around us and wonder whether God will ever bring justice to the world.
Study Questions:
Have there ever been times in your life when you have seen a loved one treate unfairly. How have you responded?
What do the prayers for this week tell you about the nature of man? What do they tell you about the nature of God?
What is your personal response to waiting on the Lord, and abiding in His love? How can we exercise fervent love in the face of evil and trouble?